We help companies to win public sector contracts. To discover how we can help you, call us for a free consultation on 07779 290010, or download our free guide below.
Public sector tenders and FOI
Is your company hoping to win public sector tenders? If so, you'll know that the key to success is knowing as much as possible about both your potential clients and your competitors.
But did you know that you can obtain this vital competitive intelligence using the Freedom of Information Act?
Information you can get under the FOI Act
Clever use of the Act can get you information such as:
- Your rivals' PQQs and tender submissions
- Bid evaluations and scorings
- Contracts and schedules
- Performance reviews and contract evaluations
- Correspondence
The FOI Act can help make your bids more successful
If you're bidding for public sector contracts, having documents such as these can make all the difference. If you've lost out on tender, you can gain crucial insights as to why, which will help make your next bid much stronger.
If you don't use the FOI Act to gain a competitive edge, you can be certain that many of your rivals are.
What difficulties could you face?
Of course, getting the most out of the FOI Act can be difficult, as many public authorities try to withhold commercial information without good reason. So, unless you have a good working knowledge of the legislation, your information requests could yield nothing of value. Appealing against refusals is time-consuming and could upset the very people you want to win business from.
That's where we can help.
Getting the most out of FOI
The Freedom of Information Agency has the expertise to help you get the most out of the UK's FOI legislation. When we request information we don't have to reveal why or on whose behalf we are requesting it are, so the public authority will be unaware of your involvement. If the request is refused, we know how to make the strongest possible challenge.
Find out more today
To read more about the commercial uses of the FOI Act, download our free booklet. Or call us now on 07779 290010.
To download the booklet, please enter your details below, then click the link that appears beneath. Our data protection policy is very simple: we don’t share your data with anyone.